Σύνολα Δεδομένων

  • Bus Stops

    Data showing geographic locations of all bus stops within the Plymouth boundary.
  • Plymouth Bathing Water Sites

    Data showing the quality of Plymouth's three designated bathing water sites: Plymouth Hoe East, Plymouth Hoe West and Firestone Bay. Datasets are to be updated annually.
  • Crowdfund Plymouth

    Datasets showing information on Crowdfund Plymouth; a Plymouth City Council campaign which allows the council to review local projects and pledge towards them. Datasets to be...
  • Population density 2011 - 2023

    Data showing the population density of Plymouth.
  • Proficiency in English - Census 2011

    Data showing how proficient Plymouth residents are in English.
  • Year of arrival to UK

    Data showing the year in which foreign born Plymouth residents arrived in the UK.
  • Religion

    Data showing the religion of Plymouth residents.
  • Passports held

    Data showing the types of passports held by Plymouth residents.
  • Occupation Classification

    Data showing occupations by classification in Plymouth.
  • National Statistics Socio-economic Classification (NS-SeC)

    Data showing the National Statistics Socio-economic Classification of residents in Plymouth.
  • National Identity

    Data showing how people in Plymouth identify themselves by nationality.
  • Marital and Civil Partnership Status

    Data showing marital and civil partnership status in Plymouth.
  • Main language spoken

    Data showing the main languages spoken in Plymouth by population numbers.
  • Living arrangements

    Data showing living arrangements of residents in Plymouth
  • Industries

    Data showing the industries Plymouth residents worked in.
  • Household Language

    Data showing the language spoken at home in Plymouth.
  • Hours Worked

    Data showing the amount of hours worked per week by Plymouth residents.
  • Ethnicity

    Data showing the ethnicity of Plymouth residents.
  • Economic Activity/Status

    Data showing the economic activity/status of residents in Plymouth.
  • Country of birth

    Data showing the country of birth of Plymouth residents.
  • CCTV cameras

    This Data shows geographic information including longitude and latitude reference points. This geographic data locates all Plymouth City Council's CCTV cameras which are both...
  • Libraries

    Data showing the location of all libraries in Plymouth.
  • Woodland sites

    Data that has been collected over the course of 2016 with volunteers on a Citizen Science project at Poole Farm. This is specifically data gained from sampling woodland sites in...
  • Crime

    Data showing the amount and type of crime committed in Plymouth.
  • Highways damage and obstruction

    This is data taken from Plymouth City Council customer services feedback compliments and complaints system. It is derived from entries by our citizens to report highway damage,...
  • Football pitches

    Data showing the usage of football pitches in Plymouth by organisation, as recorded in 2016.
  • Household waste

    Data showing the percentage of household waste that was sent to be recycled for re-use and composting in Plymouth between the years 2008 to 2015. This is annual data to be...
  • Cricket pitches

    Data showing the usage of cricket pitches in Plymouth by organisation.
  • Students and Academic Results

    Data showing qualification details and employment status of full-time students in Plymouth.
  • Mortality Rates Thrive Plymouth

    Mortality rates per 10,000 of people in Plymouth - 2011 - 2013
  • Healthy Eating

    Data is people who answered questions on their health in the Health and Wellbeing Survey in 2006-2008. For example 76 people in Budshead answered the question (weighted based on...
  • Lung Cancer

    Data showing Incidents of Lung Cancer 2010-2014 Please note that this Data is Open on Local Health - Local Health LocalHealth@phe.gov.uk and NOT for commercial use
  • Smoking

    Data taken from the Health and Wellbeing Survey in 2014 showing people in Plymouth who smoke. It shows the number of people in each Plymouth ward that have answered the Health...
  • Consumption of Alcohol

    Data showing percentage of the population that have had a drink containing alcohol more than 4 times a week- based on the 2014 Health and Wellbeing Survey.
  • Physical Activity

    Data showing adults from the Health and Wellbeing Survey that answered that particular question in the survey and those that said they do 2 or 3 more times of exercise a week...
  • Life Expectancy - Female

    Life Expectancy Data - Plymouth Disclaimer - Please note that this Data is Open under the Local Heath Organisation http://www.localhealth.org.uk and Terms of Use are - Non-...
  • Provision of Unpaid Health Care

    This Data taken from the Census 2011 shows the numbers of Plymouth residents who provide unpaid health care and shows the different categories of care they receive. The...
  • General Health

    Data showing the self-reported health of Plymouth's residents in 2011 . Source: Office for National Statistics This data shows numbers who answered to the Question of “Do you...
  • Self Reported Bad Health

    Dataset taken from the census of mar 2011which shows the number of people in each ward in Plymouth who answered to the Question of “Do you consider yourself to have bad health”...
  • Diet

    Data shows numbers of adults from the Wellbeing Survey that answered the question related to diet and if they consume five or more fruit and veg a day. Those that said they do...
  • Long Term Illness

    Data showing limiting-long term illness in Plymouth.
  • Life Expectancy

    Datasets showing life expectancy in Plymouth's neighbourhoods. This data is a calculation predicting life expectancy. For example how long in years that you are expected to...
  • Breastfeeding Friendly Businesses

    Data showing a list of the Breastfeeding Welcoming Businesses in Plymouth. It is a list and locations of businesses that are supportive and welcoming to mothers who are...
  • Greenspace

    Data showing all the accessible and inaccessible green space within Plymouth.
  • Local Nature Reserves

    Data showing location and boundaries of all Local Nature Reserves within Plymouth.
  • Marine Nature Conservation

    Data showing the habitat point records from the 1993 Marine Nature Conservation Review (MNCR) Plymouth survey training data at Bovisand Bay. One time snapshot from 1993, not...
  • Council staff

    Data showing Plymouth City Council staff by department and year.
  • Resident population

    Data showing the usual resident population of Plymouth including data on: sex; households; communal establishments; school children/full-time student; area and density.
  • Parking charge notices

    Data showing details of Parking Charge Notices issued in Plymouth from 2013-2016
  • Energy

    A variety of multiple Data sets showing Energy Statistics in Plymouth. This DATA is taken from both internal sources in Plymouth City Council Departments and The Local...