Plymouth Brownfield Land Register July 2019


From the dataset abstract

Plymouth City Council's register of Brownfield Land suitable for housing development in accordance with legislation and Government guidance...

Source: Brownfield Land Register


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Data Dictionary

Column Type Label Description
OrganisationURI text
OrganisationLabel text
SiteReference text
PreviouslyPartOf text
SiteNameAddress text
SiteplanURL text
CoordinateReferenceSystem text
GeoX numeric
GeoY numeric
Hectares numeric
OwnershipStatus text
Deliverable text
PlanningStatus text
PermissionType text
PermissionDate timestamp
PlanningHistory text
ProposedForPIP text
MinNetDwellings numeric
DevelopmentDescription text
NonHousingDevelopment text
Part2 text
NetDwellingsRangeFrom numeric
NetDwellingsRangeTo numeric
HazardousSubstances text
SiteInformation text
Notes text
FirstAddedDate timestamp
LastUpdatedDate timestamp
Easting numeric
Northing numeric
SHLAAReference text
JLPPolicyReference text
HousingSurveySiteReference text
ApplicationAndPolicyRef text

Additional Information

Field Value
Data last updated July 4, 2019
Metadata last updated July 4, 2019
Created July 4, 2019
Format CSV
License UK Open Government Licence (OGL)
createdover 5 years ago
datastore activeTrue
has viewsTrue
on same domainTrue
package idece0ce26-9d4f-4ee8-b054-783d6097a250
revision id89945fc0-b9b8-411c-98aa-f44a70b2a693
url typeupload