21 datasets found

Groups: DATA Play 5 - Health & Wellbeing Formats: CSV

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  • Data Play SOA - Plymouth

    Data Play Super Output Areas - Plymouth This is an extract from a GP clinical system and shows the average number of doctor contacts (tot doc), healthcare practitioner contacts...
  • Gender - Age - DR

    Gender - Age - Dr Contact numbers. This is an extract from a GP clinical system and shows the average number of doctor contacts during a 12 month period - December 2014 - Nov 2015.
  • Gender Age - All Visits - Plymouth

    Data showing - Gender Age - All Visits - Plymouth
  • Diabetes - Plymouth

    Data showing Diabetes Figures - Plymouth
  • Depression - Plymouth

    Data showing Depression - Plymouth
  • COPD - Plymouth

    Data showing COPD - Plymouth
  • Mortality Rates Thrive Plymouth

    Mortality rates per 10,000 of people in Plymouth - 2011 - 2013
  • Healthy Eating

    Data is people who answered questions on their health in the Health and Wellbeing Survey in 2006-2008. For example 76 people in Budshead answered the question (weighted based on...
  • Lung Cancer

    Data showing Incidents of Lung Cancer 2010-2014 Please note that this Data is Open on Local Health - Local Health LocalHealth@phe.gov.uk and NOT for commercial use
  • Smoking

    Data taken from the Health and Wellbeing Survey in 2014 showing people in Plymouth who smoke. It shows the number of people in each Plymouth ward that have answered the Health...
  • Consumption of Alcohol

    Data showing percentage of the population that have had a drink containing alcohol more than 4 times a week- based on the 2014 Health and Wellbeing Survey.
  • Plymouth Wellbeing Survey

    Data showing the results of the wellbeing survey undertaken by the Public Health department at Plymouth City Council.
  • Physical Activity

    Data showing adults from the Health and Wellbeing Survey that answered that particular question in the survey and those that said they do 2 or 3 more times of exercise a week...
  • Provision of Unpaid Health Care

    This Data taken from the Census 2011 shows the numbers of Plymouth residents who provide unpaid health care and shows the different categories of care they receive. The...
  • General Health

    Data showing the self-reported health of Plymouth's residents in 2011 . Source: Office for National Statistics This data shows numbers who answered to the Question of “Do you...
  • Self Reported Bad Health

    Dataset taken from the census of mar 2011which shows the number of people in each ward in Plymouth who answered to the Question of “Do you consider yourself to have bad health”...
  • Diet

    Data shows numbers of adults from the Wellbeing Survey that answered the question related to diet and if they consume five or more fruit and veg a day. Those that said they do...
  • Long Term Illness

    Data showing limiting-long term illness in Plymouth.
  • Life Expectancy

    Datasets showing life expectancy in Plymouth's neighbourhoods. This data is a calculation predicting life expectancy. For example how long in years that you are expected to...
  • Breastfeeding Friendly Businesses

    Data showing a list of the Breastfeeding Welcoming Businesses in Plymouth. It is a list and locations of businesses that are supportive and welcoming to mothers who are...