47 datasets found

Tags: Environment and greenspace Licenses: UK Open Government Licence (OGL)

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  • Plymouth Bathing Water Sites

    Data showing the quality of Plymouth's three designated bathing water sites: Plymouth Hoe East, Plymouth Hoe West and Firestone Bay. Datasets are to be updated annually.
  • South West Coast Path

    Data showing the route of the South West Coast Path through Somerset, Devon, Cornwall and Dorset. Snapshot in time from 2022.
  • Tree Preservation Orders

    Datasets detailing the location of tree preservation orders (TPOs) within the city and the corresponding orders
  • Conservation Areas

    Conservation areas in Plymouth and the supporting datasets
  • AA Orchards

    Always Apples Orchards - trial dataset
  • The Western Channel Observatory: a century of physical, chemical and...

    The Western Channel Observatory (WCO) comprises a series of pelagic, benthic and atmospheric sampling sites within 40 km of Plymouth, UK, that have been sampled by the Plymouth...
  • Ancient trees

    Data showing the location of all the ancient trees in Plymouth prior to 2016. Any changes in the records of ancient trees made since then will not be reflected within this data.
  • Plymouth Wildflower Meadows

    Name, area and type of wildflower meadows in Plymouth as of November 2019.
  • DEFRA UK-AIR Pollution Monitoring Networks

    Air quality data collected from sites within automatic and non-automatic monitoring networks in the UK.
  • DEFRA Water Quality Data Archive

    Samples are taken from sampling points round the country and then analysed by laboratories to measure aspects of the water quality or the environment at the sampling point. The...
  • DEFRA Tide Gauge Data

    Tidal elevations at 44 locations around the UK coast. Data is made available in near real time with measurements reported every 15 mins. The measurements provide mean sea level...
  • DEFRA Flood Monitoring

    Flood areas; flood warnings; measurement stations; measures (water level, flow, wind, temperature).
  • DEFRA Rainfall API

    The Environment Agency has approximately 1000 real time rain gauges which are connected by telemetry. Measurements of the amount of precipitation (mm) are captured in Tipping...
  • DEFRA Hydrology API

    The Hydrology API provides access to historic water flow information. It complements the near real-time data provided under /flood-monitoring in that it provides access to a...
  • DEFRA Public Registers

    Enforcement actions; environmental permitting regulations; scrap metal dealers; waste exemptions; waste carriers, brokers and dealers.
  • DEFRA MAGIC Map Application

    An interactive mapping system that holds downloadable maps and data on the natural environment, such as habitats and species types, designated sites, landscape types, and...
  • DEFRA Water Catchment Data

    Classifications; management catchments; operational catchments; protected areas; river basin districts; reasons and measures; water bodies.
  • DEFRA Ecology and Fish

    Uses a data model that integrates data from the National Fish Populations Database (NFPD) and Biosys (Biological survey database), so that measurements taken for variety of...
  • DEFRA Asset Management

    Assets and asset types; attributes and attribute format options; capital projects; elements; maintenance activities, plans and tasks.
  • DEFRA Bathing Waters

    Bathing waters in England that are monitored in order to meet UK reporting obligations under the EU Bathing Water Directive.
You can also access this registry using the API (see API Docs).