Data Dictionary

Column Type Label Description
name text Park name

The official name of the park or green space as designated by Plymouth City Council's Natural Infrastructure team.

ID string text Park ID label

a 3-letter short name that uniquely identifies the park or green space in question. The value in this table is canonical and it is used in the other resources in this data set to help identify individual counter locations

address text Address of the park

The most commonly used address of the park or green space in question.

description text Text description of the park or green space

Text description of the park or green space.

more info text More information

Any other information deemed interesting that relates to this green space or park.

Additional Information

Field Value
Data last updated January 9, 2020
Metadata last updated January 9, 2020
Created January 9, 2020
Format CSV
License UK Open Government Licence (OGL)
Datastore activeTrue
Datastore contains all records of source fileFalse
Has viewsTrue
Package ida5f1af33-e002-4e90-a8ff-944803c6b367
Url typeupload