Population in Plymouth Eating Healthy 2006 2008

URL: https://plymouth.thedata.place/dataset/111c30c3-55cb-446b-922d-6358df01ec62/resource/2d782588-b158-4371-bf58-d28f1a1f7504/download/percentage-of-population-eating-health-2006-2008.csv

Data is people who answered questions on their health in the Health and Wellbeing Survey in 2006-2008. For example 76 people in Budshead answered the question (weighted based on the data)


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Data last updated July 17, 2017
Metadata last updated July 6, 2017
Created July 6, 2017
Format CSV
License Other (Non-Commercial)
createdover 7 years ago
has viewsTrue
last modifiedover 7 years ago
on same domainTrue
package id111c30c3-55cb-446b-922d-6358df01ec62
revision id557ccda0-f78c-4054-992d-cf52311ffe5a
url typeupload