
This data has been taken from LGInform reference ID 3361.

It shows the percentage of overall turnout for local elections in Plymouth from 1997 up to 2016.

It shows the percentage of overall turnout for local elections - This metric is the overall percentage turnout for each main round of local council elections.

It is calculated based on the total number of ballots reported divided by the total electorate (people eligible to vote) for the wards holding elections and is expressed as a percentage.

Local councillors are elected for 4-year terms by the local community, at the end of this term elections are held for the relevant wards.

The election cycle varies for different councils, some councils elect all of their councillors at the same time (once every four years), other councils elect half or a third of their councillors at each election.

Therefore this should be kept in mind when comparing the figures for different councils. Source name: The Elections Centre, Plymouth University Collection name: Local Elections Handbook

Polarity: No polarity

Polarity is how sentiment is measured "Sentiment is usually considered to have "poles" positive and negative these are often translated into "good" and "bad" sentiment analysis is considered useful to tell us what is good and bad in our information stream

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Source http://lginform.local.gov.uk/
Last Updated May 10, 2018, 9:31 AM (UTC+00:00)
Created July 20, 2017, 8:52 AM (UTC+00:00)